Whole blood platelet function
Extended diagnostic possibilities for the T-TAS-system with a new chip
T-TAS® (Total Thrombus Formation Analysis System) is an automated, microchip-based flow chamber system for the quantitative analysis of thrombus formation that uses physiological blood flow conditions.
The flow chamber of the new developed AR-chip is coated with collagen and tissue factor (TF). T-TAS® mimics in vivo thrombus formation in an ex vivo system. The artificial created shear stress of 600/s is similiar to the shear stress in big arteries. In combination with the AR-chip the natural blood flow can be simulated.
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Hosokawa K. New methodological approaches for assessing thrombus formation in cardiovascular disease. Kardiol Pol 78(7-8),p667-673(2020)
Ichikawa S. Impact of Total Antithrombotic Effect on Bleeding Complications in Patients Receiving Multiple Antithrombotic Agents. Circ J 83(6),p1309-1316(2019)